Welcome to Something Magical! Something Magical is the forefront for magical entertainment provided by Alan T. Landucci-Ruiz. Although there are several different facets of Magic, Something Magical focuses on close-up and "parlor" styles of magic, engaging in an interactive, enjoyable show.
Keeping the Audience
Shows are designed with the audience in mind, and based on today's interactive entertainment. TV Shows like Dora, Blue's Clues, and Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan thrive because of two key concepts: audience interaction and continuity. They cater to the audience through actions and reactions (asking for help and responding). The shows give a (mostly) fluid entertaining show, from start to resolution. Something Magical has been working hard to try to integrate this style of entertainment within its own shows, so that it can bring interactive magical entertainment to your living room.
This Isn't a Magic Show
Something Magical doesn't try to be a "look-what-I-can-do" type of show. Often, it's a show that uses magic to demonstrate simple concepts, such as saying "Please" or "Thank you." Sometimes, it needs magic to help solve complex puzzles, such as finding lost colors, or opening a box. It can range from the basest of magic to more involved magic to get the job done. Something Magical is a show that includes magic.